Tricia Scott
Author, Editor, Writer, Teacher, Public Speaker & Translator

I have an informal and corporate professional experience in communications. I founded this business over ten years ago. If I could speak to my younger self I would admonish her for not following her aspirations in becoming a published writer/author because she thought it wouldn't be lucrative. I live by the adage that there is no time than the present to pursue your dreams and passions. Writing has always and will always be like breathing for me. It is the best way I communicate and feel the most free in doing so. 

I love to read too but writing for me is what I can do for the rest of my life and feel like I did not miss anything while living it. What began as a hobby and favor for my friends in helping them "re-write" their resumes, school essays, and job promotions I turned it into a business since it was taking away hours needed to do my own work. It was also birthed out of a decision I made ten years ago when I was in dark place in my life and I picked up my laptop and began writing again and started my first official novel. That opened my desire to consider this as something I could pursue without feeling like I was working.

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